Nature Daddy's Guide to Ecstatic Outdoor Erotic FUN!

I have more than 25 years of experience in finding places in the great outdoors where I've enjoyed getting naked and/or expressing my soulful erotic self--on my own and with others. I would like to share some of what I've learned!

7/21/20244 min read

For getting naked outdoors (on public land, such as a national forest or national park) and allowing erotic energy to move freely, here is the general approach I have used successfully for many years:

1) Go there alone first and devote some time to honoring and listening. First, it may be best to get to know a spot by yourself when you have time to fully honor the spot and sit with it a time or two before bringing anyone there with you to play.

2) You Don't Have to Go Far. The best places are often not far from the trail head, since most people are focused on “further and higher” destinations, rather than settling into a relaxing spot where nothing appears to be happening… right here under our nose.

3) Start near the trailhead. In a national forest or public land, pick a trail and walk a short distance until you come to a stream crossing or a place which feels like a reasonable distance from the trailhead (often as little as 300 meters...sometimes as much as a kilometer or more, depending on what speaks to you).

4) Turn at right angles to the trail. Turn left or right off of the trail, walking at a right angle (90° ) away from it, along the stream, in either direction

5). Walk until you are far enough from the trail that you can’t hear people passing… usually at least several hundred meters, maybe further.

6) Slow down and listen closely. Check in with your heart, and when your feet land on a place which feels like an “ooooo…mmmmmhmmmm…YESSS! ” You can let yourself sit or lie down there.

7) Practice talking to the place as a living being. Find a way to honor the spot by singing to it, or by voicing affirmations, to honor it (ie. a prayer). This practice may seem strange or foreign at first, but as you do it--recognizing that no one is listening but the trees, the rocks, and the waters--you will start to feel the power and potency of your little "secret". Talk to the place as a living being, and express your love for it. Affirm that every action, movement, and deed here will bring benefit to you, the people you love, this land, and this world.

8). Feel what it is like to fully meet your surroundings. When you come here again by yourself or with someone else, hold in your heart that you are fully meeting your environment. You are in a relationship with this place. Communication goes both ways...between you and the living spirits of every rock, tree, and living being. Every action, movement, and expression is in full resonance with your surroundings. You are honoring the land in ways in which it has longed to be honored for a long time. (We wonder… When was the last time anyone did this here?)

9) Tune In & Express Yourself. Tune in deeply with your inner guidance, and express yourself in ways which are a clear match for where you are. Observe how you and your environment meet each other. Sometimes, the most subtle movements and expressions are the most powerful, until we form an interactive relationship with the place. For example, you may begin by moving your body and toning songs (sometimes spontaneous, resounding sounds, trusting that each sound resonates with some aspect of your body and the living beings and energies around you. Notice what is resonant--and what is dissonant--and stick with the resonant.

10). Adapt. I wrote the above suggestions for people who live in forested areas such a the Eastern woodlands of the United States or Canada, but they can be adapted for a number of environments, such as desert regions and coastlines. For example, if you're on a public beach, rather than following the "trailhead" and "stream crossing" guidelines, you may simply walk until your body and heart beg you to sit or lie down on the Earth, meditate, sing, chant, or practice moving in relationship with your environment.

11). Practice. Finding a relationship and intercommunication between you and the natural world is a practice to be cultivated over time. Some of my most joyful places for free-form expression (erotic and otherwise) came about by literally devoting entire days and nights of my life to simply being in those places, and listening.

Having followed the protocols above, I have actually watched entire public beaches clear of people, while I did ceremony with my lovers, beginning very subtly, and seamlessly opening as we merged with our surroundings❤️

Please contact me directly using the confidential and private form below if you have any questions.


Brad Amberheart headshot
Brad Amberheart headshot

Not long ago, someone asked in a text message thread if anyone knew any great places where it’s safe to get naked outdoors and move erotic energy. When I responded, I found myself revealing information which I feel could be helpful to lots of other people, so I decided to publish it here, in my blog!

A Guide to Ecstatic Outdoor Erotic Fun! by "Nature Daddy" Brad Amberheart

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