

Brad Amberheart








Human beings, ever since the dawn of creation, have been developing technologies for dreaming, visioning, and creating our lives as we dream them...

Really? Yes, really. Where are you in your path of dreaming your dreams into reality? If we could dare to dream the most vibrant and beautiful vision we possibly could for our lives, and for life on Earth, what would it be?

When's the last time you met a group of people who are actively focusing on the dream...not just the fantasy, but the dream?

There are people all over the world doing this. Did you know? Yes, it's true. We know this, and now, it's time for us to join forces with the greatest powers of the Universe to dare to create our lives as we envision them, in a way which brings maximum possible benefit to us, our loved ones, and this world.


FEED Your DREAM with all of the JUICE we can GIVE IT!


It's time to start dreaming now!

Which "technology" is best for sexual magic? Lots of people have done lots of experiments. What technologies have worked best for you?

Bring it on!

Together, with strong leadership and a clear vision for creating our lives from the cock and balls up, and from the heavens down to Earth, we're going to bring out our best tools for focusing our presence and our energies and allowing our heart's desire to flourish.




It's time to start dreaming now!

Steps to Empowering Your Dream with Magic Sex

Clear Your Mind

Open Your Heart

Ground, Center, Find Stillness

Call in Your Support Magic

See Your Dream!

Activate Your Sexual Excitement!

Elements of Prolonged Arousal (Extended Climax Fun)

Activate Your Sexual Excitement!

Fertilize Your Dream!

Plant the Seed!

7 Men, 4 Days, Unlimited Possibilities!

More About Your Facilitator

Brad Amberheart is a Tantric sex coach and evolutionarv escort who devotes his days and nights to finding every way possible to turn more men the fuck ON and--ultimately--create a world where horny, hungry MEN can connect with each other and live sexually-thrilling lives.

Brad has facilitated Sex Play-Shops at world-renowned Tantra festivals from Hawaii to the UK. He has studied and collaborated with many great pioneers in the Tantra world, while simultaneously creating his own unique blend of Tantra, sexual magic, and deep-nature wisdom. He attributes his training in Tantra not only to his work with individual teachers, but also to the countless days of his life which he has devoted to being immersed in wilderness and in cathartic healing ceremonies with North American and Siberian native people.