Erotic Magic & Excitement for MEN!
Prolonged Sexual Pleasure Transforms & Creates!
with Sacred Intimate & Sex Coach Brad Amberheart

The Formula is Quite Simple!
1. Consider, sincerely...what are you inviting into your life, and what are you ready to release to make room for what you really want. Fill out my sexy questionnaire and tell me all about it!
2. Arrive for your session as excited as you possibly can stand, knowing that you fully deserve to be excited, loved, cared-for, and affirmed by another excited lover!
3. STAY as excited as you can fucking stand for 2 hours or more, using my simple, yet life-changing, tools I'm going to show you.
4. Consistently remind one another--out loud--what we really want in our lives (see #1) while we run heightened states of erotic ecstasy through our whole-body orgasmic bodies.
I've been working with men, 1-on-1 for more than 15 years, using the refined art of affirmative sexual magic. I've developed a set of tools which are actually shockingly simple, yet--for the most part--have not yet been shared widely with the world of men who love having sex with men. Once we know these tools, we can share them with all of our lovers, fuckbuddies, and friends, and the gay-sex culture we know today will catapult to a whole new level.
Join me! I'm excited to see you!
$450 for 2 hours
$595 for 3 hours
Longer sessions and immersive 1-on-1 retreats available. Just ask!

1). CLICK on this LINK to answer my "10 Questions to Activate Sexually Ecstatic Pleasure & Erotic Fun"
2). Have a short 20-minute conversation with me on the phone so that we can both get as excited about this session as we possibly stand!
3). Follow the preparation suggestions I send to you and show up excited as you can fucking stand for your session!